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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tips for if he has a girlfriend

Hey girls today I got a comment from a viewer that said that they like a guy that has a girlfriend that she thinks isn't right for him. I am going through something very similar right now so I know what you are going through.
Tips for if he has a girlfriend

  • I know it might sound easier to confront him and say you think that she is not good for her but that is one of the worst things you can do because he might think that you are paying way to much attention to him and he might find that clingy (boys are like that they don't like for anyone to be clingy to them they like to get a way for a while)
  • I know this might sound shallow but befriend his girlfriend ( if he see that you get along with his girlfriend then he will think that you are the kind of girl that he would like. Where as if you fight with her than you will look like the girl that doesn't share the same views) and make sure he sees you talking to her so he sees you getting along with her so when they break up he will know you might be a girl he might like.
I'm sorry i don't have a lot of tips for this one but I have been doing these and they seem to be working if you just give him simple hints and he will eventually get it. Hope this helps.
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