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Friday, April 13, 2012

TIps for how to tell your crush that you like him

Hey girls I just realized that I have been a little controversial in terms of  my crush well let me tell you that telling the guy you like that you like him is actually easier on you, and he might treat you better. Now I know it might be hard to tell the guy you like that you like him, but it actually isn't that hard, but if you don't take my word for it here are some tips for telling you crush that you like him.
Tips for telling your crush that you like him.
  • Don't rush yourself into it (you can do it when you know it is right.
  • If it helps right ten different ways to tell him right them down and keep it handy
  • If you are feeling anxious you can ask a true best friend ( who probably already know about your crush) to tell him for you
Hey girls I have a poll to the right as indecated with the arrow to see what you think about if I should ask the guy I like if he likes me

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