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Monday, February 27, 2012

tips for being threatened

Hey girls a viewer commented saying that she is getting threats. This is a not OK. Look if your getting threats don't take it lightly. To the commenter and to my viewers here are some tips for being threatened.
Tips for being threatened
(no offense to the counselor but) skip the counselor ( unless it is not serious)
Go to the school officer ( only if serious)
avoid the person that threatened you

Mission trips

Hey girls. Today I have been given a mision. My mission is to imagine if I could go any where on a mission trip over spring break  where would I go. Well my church has a mission trip every year to honduras, and when I reach a certain age I can go. This trip is to an orphanage in honduras to give them clothes, money, and a card for each girl from each of the classes in religios ed, and the school. This is where i would go for a mission trip over spring break. Speaking of spring break; where are you going.