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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tips for the unathletic

Hey Girls today was the first day of my blog. Let me just tell you that I am not good at badminton. So here is some tips for the nonathletic.
Tips for the nonathletic
  • Try your hardest it will always pay of in the end ( it worked for me)
  • Have a good laugh ( it works if all else fails) believe me if you are afraid that they will laugh at you don't worry if you laugh along they won't
Hey all of my viewers comment on what you want to see on my blog


Hey Girls,this is a little synopsis of my Blog. Well It is about what goes on in my life,but it isn't all about me. You know that they say learn from your mistakes. Well You get to learn from my mistakes, and when i don't have problems I tell you you about my life in general. Remeber you can comment about problems you need advice for.