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Sunday, July 15, 2012

2 more people

Hey girls today I wanted to tell you that on my other blog I wanted to say that someone guessed what the next review series i am going to do the Hunger Games so if your a fan tune in this week, but do know this i won't do a new series or book until 50 people have seen the series. so until 2 more of you looks at my blog i won't do The Hunger Games so tune in.  Another thing i know I haven't been posting many posts but not a lot of things have been going on this summer so i will start up again with more tips as soon as school starts or a little before then for pre-school tips. See you later and may the odds be ever in your favor. Don't forget to comment and subscribe.


  1. hi hennah! i luv ur blog lolz! but cn u help me. i wunt 2 tell mi bf we need to hav s*x but idk if i shuld do it in a letter or a text )-: i em 18 n just luv ur blog!!!! best addvise evur :-)

  2. Hey thanks for commenting on my blog i think that it depends on your boyfriend but i think that the last thing you want to do is text him because it woudn't seem very personal because sex even though our society says other wise is really special so you can either write a letter to him explaining to him how you feel and how you want to take your relationship further or when your on a date like watching a movie at home you can ask him yourself like i said it does depend on your boyfriend and the situation. Good luck. I hope this helps.


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