Hey girls today i wanted to tell you that i am now on Instagram. If you would like to follow me I am @girlgeekgirl, and now back to our regularly scheduled programming. For this next year I have an idea.i want all of you to read more.i am not saying you all don't read a lot it's just I want you guys to push yourself a little more.that is why i am proposing an online book club,and what I want you to do is go down to the comment section and post you favorite book where a girl is the main character since the blog is tips for girls and at the beginning of the month I will choose randomly from these titles ( if enough of you post your favorite book an approve of my idea) and at the end of the month we will write what we think about the book and see what the book helped us learn for our every day lives. So what do you say leave it down in the comments section below.
Don't forget to comment rate and subscribe to my blog. See you later bye
How about Little Women or Anne of Green Gables?