Hey girls a viewer recently commented saying that her friend failed the eye exam at school (you know the test that you cover one eye and read a board). she also says she is having trouble seeing the board in class, and is always having to use her notes. The girls friend thinks that her vision is fine and that she doesn't need glasses, and threw the note away thinking it was a mistake. This viewer is worried that her friends vision will get worse. Well I think that i have the perfect solution for you
Tips for how to tell a friend you think she needs glasses
- Tell her that you are worried about her (to show concern shows you care0
- Tell her what you want to tell her (say something like "hey (enter name here) I have been noticing that you can not see the board that good anymore I think you might need glasses")
- If she objects say you can tell her that glasses will make her look good and there is a lot of styles to choose from
- If you have glasses you can assure her that it won't change who she is
Girls remember glasses don't change you as a person. Also to the commenter tell her to check out the blog because I will have a tips for new glasses coming up
Bye Girls see when I blog next. Be kind to one another
Photo citation: <p><a href="http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=1930">Image: a454 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net</a></p>