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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tips for how to avoid getting tangled in the pressure to be a " perfect" image

Hey girls today at school we had two girls come in. They were from an orginisation called REbeL. They had few simple things that I am all for, but mainly they talked about how to avoid pressure from peers, and from the media. I am going to list what they put, and a few of my own weaved in. If it is my own I will have my usual format, but if it is from the girls I will put a (REbeL) next to it. So here we go
Tips for how to avoid getting tangled in the pressure to be a " perfect" image

  • If you read magazines (who doesn't) and you see an add that makes you feel bad about yourself either rip it out or just back sass it (say you are airbrushed, photo shopped, and not real) (REbeL)
  • Every morning go to the mirror and say to yourself words of encouragement and what you think is "Good" in your life        (a daily affirmation of sorts)
  • Drop you baggage (things that stress you out) people can't hug with all of them  (REbeL)
  • Know the simple fact that you are you and no one can change that ( you need to know that no matter what stupid diet or clothes you try doesn't change you  (REbeL)
Thank you to the girl representatives that came to our school for letting me use there tips. Do you think I did okay if you think I left anything out please post a comment.

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