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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Im back

Hey girls today I wanted to appologize for not blogging its just been kind of hard to blog lately. However i wanted to tell you about to things.
  1. I have a lot of social media things that you can reach me at to ask me questions and just to talk which brings me to number two
  2. I am having a picture contest. This contest is for all you artists out there you can draw a Girl+Geek=GirlGeekGirl logo. If you win then your picture will be my profile picture for everything including my blog
  3. Thirdly I wanted to to ask you a question. Would you like me to start a youtube account? I have been contemplating this for a while now, and i wnated to reach out to you guys to get the answer. I will pot a poll on my blog to ask.
Don't forget to comment and subscribe. See you later bye.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

How to come out to your best friend

So I recently got a comment that said that a girl was a lesbian and she wanted to tell her friends. Now I know  that this is not for everyone and some of you do not agree but please do not put any negative commentsto bash people down i want to help all of you with your problems. Also to the person that sent this in i am so sorry but i accidently dleted your comment becuase I didn't really understand what was trying to be said, but i love that you had the courage to ask me something like this and your comment might have helped other people that didn't know how to do this task and were to afraid to ask. Remember to all of you that your comments are private and you are anoymos so no one can see your name unless you want them to. So lets get started.
How to come out to your best friend
  • First of all you need to know that the only one thats holding you back is you don't let yourslef hold you back from what you truly want to do
  • Don't let the media scare you (like i have said many times the media can turn things around a blow them up so this might also leave you afraid of what you want to acomplish
  • make sure that the friend you want to tell really is your friend make sure that they are not plastic and that they really are true friends (if you tell someone who you think is your best firend and you tell them your deepest darkest secret such as this they might tell all there other friends and then this thing might blow out of proportion)
  • Make sure your friend can keep a secret (you can do this by telling them a secret that is really trivial and you can see if the whole school knows it by the end of the day if you are hearing this trivial rumor about you through out the halls beware that if you want to keep this aspect about you a secret then you have to have the right friend to keep it for you.
  • Get creative find a way to tell your friend (my friend showed me a rainbow bracelet that she had and then when everyone had gone home she told me)
 I hope this helped who ever you are that sent this in and to who ever else needed help with this and i can't say much more and this is just like any other secret you just got to find the right people
Don't forget to comment and subscribe see you later bye

My first book for the book club

Hey girls today i wanted to share with you the first book of the book club. It is The diary of a young girl, but some of you will know it as the diary of Anne frank. If you haven't already you should head on over to my good reads book club and sign up. Also pick up the book at your local library or if youve already read the book join in the conversation. The deadline for thsi book is February the thirtieth. Also if you finish the book before the dead line I will have another book for you speed readers and for those of you who have read the book and have already finished all the challenges and discussions for this book.  Don't forget to comment and subscribe. See you later bye.
Links for the book club:

Thursday, December 27, 2012

I am on Instagram/

Hey girls today i wanted to tell you that i am now on Instagram. If you would like to follow me I am @girlgeekgirl, and now back to our regularly scheduled programming. For this next year I have an idea.i want all of you to read more.i am not saying you all don't read a lot it's just I want you guys to push yourself a little more.that is why i am proposing an online book club,and what I want you to do is go down to the comment section and post you favorite book where a girl is the main character since the blog is tips for girls and at the beginning of the month I will choose randomly from these titles ( if enough of you post your favorite book an approve of my idea) and at the end of the month we will write what we think about the book and see what the book helped us learn for our every day lives. So what do you say leave it down in the comments section below.
Don't forget to comment rate and subscribe to my blog. See you later bye

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

How to deal with not getting the part

Hey girls today I want to tell you how to deal with not getting a part. This can be like in a musical, play, sports team, etc. First of all i know how it feels so this advice is not spurted out from some advice coloum,book, or website just like my other posts.  However some of these tips do come from my director.So lets get started.
How to deal with not getting the part

  • Don't make enemies with the person that got the part (who knows maybe for the next performance she can give you pointers so that you can make the part next time.
  • As my director says " you have 24 hours to be sad" (when you don't the part that you want its ok to feel sad. Go home and indulge on one of your favorite snacks that you don't get all the time, but ask your parents first. Also do something that lifts up your spirits so that when you come to school the next day you'll feel a whole lot better when you see the person that did get your part the next day.
  •  Don't dwell on the part you didn't get (think positively. If you got chorus try to be the best chorus member you can be. Show up on time, don't talk when the directors trying to, and try you best to be the all around best so that when the director is trying to decide who should be the understudy for the part or that shining he or she will look to you.
I hope these tips helped. I know how it feels to not get the part, but remember and I quoting Annie "Just thinkin' about tomorrow  will help you see ahead. Also remember that this production doesn't last long so make the most of it, add new friends to that growing list, show those cool dance moves or that high note that every one thinks is amazing, and have fun. Even after all of that and you still feel down think about this, Smile. Have the biggest smile in the whole chorus because once it's everyone singing and you have that big grin on you face maybe yearbook staff will see it and take your picture. You are one of a kind no matter what part you get in your school production its be amazing becuase you joined without every one that joined and didn't get the part they wouldn't have a show to even put on. Think about that, and 
 Don't forget to comment and subscribe. See you later bye.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tips for if he has a girlfriend

Hey girls today I got a comment from a viewer that said that they like a guy that has a girlfriend that she thinks isn't right for him. I am going through something very similar right now so I know what you are going through.
Tips for if he has a girlfriend

  • I know it might sound easier to confront him and say you think that she is not good for her but that is one of the worst things you can do because he might think that you are paying way to much attention to him and he might find that clingy (boys are like that they don't like for anyone to be clingy to them they like to get a way for a while)
  • I know this might sound shallow but befriend his girlfriend ( if he see that you get along with his girlfriend then he will think that you are the kind of girl that he would like. Where as if you fight with her than you will look like the girl that doesn't share the same views) and make sure he sees you talking to her so he sees you getting along with her so when they break up he will know you might be a girl he might like.
I'm sorry i don't have a lot of tips for this one but I have been doing these and they seem to be working if you just give him simple hints and he will eventually get it. Hope this helps.
  Don't forget to comment and subscribe. See you later bye.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tips for crushes Parte Dos

Hey girls today i got a request from a veiwer to answer this question Hey can you please do a post on how to work up the courage to talk to your crush and ask him out?  Do't worry o veiwer of mine I will help you with your dilema. From your question it sounds like you are fairly shy; do correct me if i am wrong this means it might be hard for you to work up the courage to ask him to go out or just to talk to him, but hopefully with the help of these few tips you can workup the courage to talk to him.
Tips for working up the courage to talk to your crush.
  • Talk to a good friend (you both can come up with a plan to get rid of those jitters when it comes to your crush)
  • Make a playbook ( this will help you to know where and when he should be for the most prime location to ask him out or to just talk to him)
  • create a script ( this is good if your a drama queen but want to dial it down a knotch, I usually come up with my scripts on the way home from school or while I'm getting ready for bed.)
  • Practice, Practice, Practice ( just like any thing you need to do, you can even practice infront of "Him" by this i mean grab the yearbook from the past year scan it, enlarge his face and print it out and voila you have a perfect practice friend also if you want you can tape it to an old doll of stuffed animal; like candice from phineas and ferb
  • Go to school and try out you scenario that you and your friend come up with (if you want then you can do some flirty moves that say i love you; body language is key

i hope this helps and i hope you get that date if you do make sure you tell me if you do.
Don't forget to comment and subscribe. See you later bye.