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Saturday, February 9, 2013

How to come out to your best friend

So I recently got a comment that said that a girl was a lesbian and she wanted to tell her friends. Now I know  that this is not for everyone and some of you do not agree but please do not put any negative commentsto bash people down i want to help all of you with your problems. Also to the person that sent this in i am so sorry but i accidently dleted your comment becuase I didn't really understand what was trying to be said, but i love that you had the courage to ask me something like this and your comment might have helped other people that didn't know how to do this task and were to afraid to ask. Remember to all of you that your comments are private and you are anoymos so no one can see your name unless you want them to. So lets get started.
How to come out to your best friend
  • First of all you need to know that the only one thats holding you back is you don't let yourslef hold you back from what you truly want to do
  • Don't let the media scare you (like i have said many times the media can turn things around a blow them up so this might also leave you afraid of what you want to acomplish
  • make sure that the friend you want to tell really is your friend make sure that they are not plastic and that they really are true friends (if you tell someone who you think is your best firend and you tell them your deepest darkest secret such as this they might tell all there other friends and then this thing might blow out of proportion)
  • Make sure your friend can keep a secret (you can do this by telling them a secret that is really trivial and you can see if the whole school knows it by the end of the day if you are hearing this trivial rumor about you through out the halls beware that if you want to keep this aspect about you a secret then you have to have the right friend to keep it for you.
  • Get creative find a way to tell your friend (my friend showed me a rainbow bracelet that she had and then when everyone had gone home she told me)
 I hope this helped who ever you are that sent this in and to who ever else needed help with this and i can't say much more and this is just like any other secret you just got to find the right people
Don't forget to comment and subscribe see you later bye

My first book for the book club

Hey girls today i wanted to share with you the first book of the book club. It is The diary of a young girl, but some of you will know it as the diary of Anne frank. If you haven't already you should head on over to my good reads book club and sign up. Also pick up the book at your local library or if youve already read the book join in the conversation. The deadline for thsi book is February the thirtieth. Also if you finish the book before the dead line I will have another book for you speed readers and for those of you who have read the book and have already finished all the challenges and discussions for this book.  Don't forget to comment and subscribe. See you later bye.
Links for the book club: