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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Organize your life

Hey girls today i want to start a new segment called organize your life, and i think it will be good because i have a lot of different posts thought of and i am in the writing. What this is is a way to organize your planners, your rooms, your closets, and everything you might need to. I will try to get one of these up once a week. I hope you like it. If you have any ideas or questions comment in the comment box. Don't forget to comment, and subscribe i'll see you next time. Bye

Sunday, July 15, 2012

2 more people

Hey girls today I wanted to tell you that on my other blog I wanted to say that someone guessed what the next review series i am going to do the Hunger Games so if your a fan tune in this week, but do know this i won't do a new series or book until 50 people have seen the series. so until 2 more of you looks at my blog i won't do The Hunger Games so tune in.  Another thing i know I haven't been posting many posts but not a lot of things have been going on this summer so i will start up again with more tips as soon as school starts or a little before then for pre-school tips. See you later and may the odds be ever in your favor. Don't forget to comment and subscribe.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Contest closed

Hey girls today I wanted to tell you that i have closed the contest because no one had entered so if you want me to reopen then tell me in the comment box below. Don't forget to subscribe and comment and i will see you later

Thursday, July 5, 2012

New series on my other blog

Hey girls today I have decided to let you know that i won't do the next series on my other blog until one of you guess the series. You will need to highlight the breaking dawn post and click the link. you will get a picture of some actors. Yes that is my clue it has been turned into a movie so if you want me to do the series you'll have to put the name in all caps either on this post or on my other blog.