Avery's Bucket list really made me thinking that if enough of you comment saying you like it I might just have a weekly inspirational story. You don't need a blogger account to comment just say " I like Avery's blog" or "I like inspirational stories" and I will add an inspirational story every Sunday. Also I might have a weekly recipe segment so send in your recipes (shouts out to ms Qaddour) just send me your recipes. I would love to try them and put them on my blog. You are probably asking "why cooking on this blog for tips for girls?" Well I think it is good for a girl to know how to cook even if it is just instant pasta that takes five minutes so get those old cookbooks or go to any recipe website, and find one. Trust me I will try them because I love to cook.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Avery's bucket list
Hey girls if you like babies or people
with disabilities fighting strongly then keep reading. I was reading a story on
yahoo, and maybe you have seen it. It is about a baby girl that was diagnosed
with a disease called SMA or Spinal Muscular Atrophy
which means that not only
will she lose her ability to move, but lose her life. The parents of
this little girl learned from their doctor that this girl only had 18 months to
live, and they came up with an idea. Instead of just sitting there crying over
there little baby for their remaining year and a half they were going to make
the best of it. SO they created a bucket list for this little girl, and they
made a blog to show all the things this baby has done. Well I checked
out the blog, and not only is this little girl adorable, but she has
accomplished a lot, and is fighting strong. Baby Avery's story really touched
my heart. I really would encourage you to see the blog, and support them. They
also want you to spread the word, and try to help all the babies and small
children with the disorder by giving money to the Fight SMA website, but I would encourage you just to check
out Avery's Bucket
list blog it
is so cute what she can do. You would never think that a baby could
do all that.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Girlgeeked Glasses
Hey girls today as promised I said I was going to teach you how to make glasses to spice up your friend life or just to have fun with
What you will need
What you will need
What you will need
- Kiddy sunglasses (can be purchased at your local dollar store)
- Duct tape in all different colors and patterns (also can be purchased at your local dollar store or craft store, but is optional)
- newspaper
- Sharpie markers (or permanent markers)
- A sense of creativity (you will need this to design your glasses)
- Paper
- Glue or tape
- Felt (optional)
- scissors
- Colorful Glue (optional)
- anything else you think would be awesome to put on you glasses (like glitter, rhinestones, etc.)
- string (optional)
- Get your supplies and ask a parents permission (you wouldn't want you parents to be mad at you for using those sunglasses that were going to be saved for your little cousin)
- Lay out newspaper on a table or hard surface to make sure if you use paint or sharpie or glue that it won't end up on you kitchen table or desk
- Draw your design on a piece of paper so you don't have to do it later
- Take the glasses and pop out the "glass" part of them (you might need a parent. Although it might look easy it might not be to be those things out0
- wrap the colorful duct tape around the glasses rim to give it a pop (this step might make drawing on it a lot easier)
- Take the permanent markers and draw on you glasses according to the design on you paper
- take the glitter glue and draw along the lines you drew to give it that pop
- you can tape things on to you glasses as well like stars or hearts (just draw them on paper and cut them out and glue or tape them to your glasses
- If you taped or glued stuff to your glasses put a layer of tape around the whole thing to keep it together so they don't fall off
- Wear you glasses to a party or just around the house (if you are just getting glasses through a sleepover or get together and give them out as "I just got new glasses and I want you to have some too" party favors.It might make you feel better knowing that you need glasses but your friends have them too.)
What you will need
- felt
- 2 pieces of string
- hot glue
- scissors
- the need for a mustache
- a pencil
- Take your newly girlgeeked glasses and set them on the newspaper
- draw a mustache on the felt or you can look it up on google images
- cut the mustache out
- take the hot glue gun (ask an adult if you are younger) and glue the mustache to the string (one peice on each end)
- glue the string to the glasses (it might be time consuming but it works
- show off your mustache girlgeeked glasses to all of your jealous friends(they will be jealous because of your mustache
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Tips for glasses
Tips for glasses
- If it is your first time go to an eye doctor or glasses place to try on different styles (everytim I go to get new glasses I can be there for hours)
- If you don't like the thought of having something on your face you can ask if you can get contact lenses (I don't particularly like the thought of something inside my eyes, but that's my opinion)
- find someone at school who you don't know that has glasses and say hi (You never know you might make a new friend) trust me will notice more people with glasses
- grab a few friends and have fun (a fun craft is buying some plastic sunglasses pop, pop the tinted plastic out, and decorate them with your friends. It will make you feel good that you friends have glasses too if they don't have glasses, but if they do you already will feel good
If you wear glasses, and you have had a good experience with them comment me your success story. Who knows it might end up on my next post. Check my blog later for a step by step tutorial on how to make these party time glasses for a glasses party to welcome your new style.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
tips for how to tell a friends you think she needs glasses
Hey girls a viewer recently commented saying that her friend failed the eye exam at school (you know the test that you cover one eye and read a board). she also says she is having trouble seeing the board in class, and is always having to use her notes. The girls friend thinks that her vision is fine and that she doesn't need glasses, and threw the note away thinking it was a mistake. This viewer is worried that her friends vision will get worse. Well I think that i have the perfect solution for you
Tips for how to tell a friend you think she needs glasses
Bye Girls see when I blog next. Be kind to one another
Photo citation: <p><a href="http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=1930">Image: a454 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net</a></p>

- Tell her that you are worried about her (to show concern shows you care0
- Tell her what you want to tell her (say something like "hey (enter name here) I have been noticing that you can not see the board that good anymore I think you might need glasses")
- If she objects say you can tell her that glasses will make her look good and there is a lot of styles to choose from
- If you have glasses you can assure her that it won't change who she is
Bye Girls see when I blog next. Be kind to one another
Photo citation: <p><a href="http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=1930">Image: a454 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net</a></p>
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Tips for zits
Hey girls today I will talk about zits. I know I have always talked about what we feel inside, but today is different. I want to talk about zits because I have one that I am trying to get rid of( not to mention all of the others I have).
Tips for zits
~Wash you face before bed or in the morning (or you can do what I do. Take your soap that you use to wash you face and do the face washing procedure in the shower. You will be multi tasking not to mention it is great for your pores)
~After washing your face use an acne cream ( I like Oxy 10% benzoyl peroxide, but that's just me. Experiment to what works for you)
~If the blemish is at you hair line, and you have bangs clip them back ( your hair can contain oils that can just make the zit worse)
~If you wear makeup regularly don't put it on you zits, and make sure to remove the makeup before bed (the makeup contains irritants that can make the zit worse or cause others to appear)
~DO NOT under any circumstances POP it ( the icky stuff that is in you zit can spread to the res of you skin causing more pimples not to mention it hurts, and it can cause a hole looking thing on your skin which looks worse than the zit
~Have patience ( If you follow all of these steps then there is nothing more you can do just wait it out, and try to think about something else. Instead of worrying about you zit have fun or get some last minute studying for that quiz next week)
Bye Girls. Hey tomorrows Friday, and I have a big surprise for you all
Comment me if you have any questions, comments, or if you need advice
Photo Citations: http://amominredhighheels.com/living-zits/
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Hey girls a veiwer asked "I'm confused. How does doing well on a test decrease the amount of homework you get??" Well I have heard that if you do good on homework and then as a result get good grades on a quiz then the teacher will see thhat you know the material for a big test. I'm sorry I should have said quiz. Thank you for telling me this. Keep commenting. Bye.
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New Section (Adorable Salutiations HeHe)
Photo citations:http://hahafunnylol.com/post/21420050862/bai-i-loves-u
Tips for homework

Tips for Homework
- Do it as soon as you get it (if you have time in class or guided study or study hall utilize that time)
- Check it and check it again (I know what your thinking "I thought this was for how to cope with homework this is just more homework." Well if you do good on your homework then you will do better on a test which in turn will give you less homework. TA DA
Friday, April 13, 2012
TIps for how to tell your crush that you like him
Hey girls I just realized that I have been a little controversial in terms of my crush well let me tell you that telling the guy you like that you like him is actually easier on you, and he might treat you better. Now I know it might be hard to tell the guy you like that you like him, but it actually isn't that hard, but if you don't take my word for it here are some tips for telling you crush that you like him.
Tips for telling your crush that you like him.
Tips for telling your crush that you like him.
- Don't rush yourself into it (you can do it when you know it is right.
- If it helps right ten different ways to tell him right them down and keep it handy
- If you are feeling anxious you can ask a true best friend ( who probably already know about your crush) to tell him for you
Friday, April 6, 2012
Advice blog
Hey girls I found that not alot of you have commented with you problems and comments so I put a blog just for you. I promise i will read all of them and answer them the best I can on my actual blog. the URL is http://girlgeekgirladvicecenter.blogspot.com/ so com on in and see if you got in.
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